Tuesday, June 03, 2003

My life as a dinner planner

Another end to a so-so day.

At the meeting for the run up to the company dinner this weekend, the team picked me to set down the criteria to pick the best dressed male and female attendee. After five whole minutes of laughing out loud, I kinda wondered why of all the people in the team, they picked me to set the rules for the damn thing. I mean ... I have no fashion sense to speak off in the first place and I don't have the foggiest idea of what makes an outfit attractive. To me as long as the outfit fits comfortably and doesn't stink like it hasn't been washed for a week, then it's OK with me. Good thing that they didn't make me judge the whole thing or I'll might be biased towards the men (hehee).

So while I think about what would be the best criteria to select the best dressed male and female for the night, I have 2 new DVD sets to enjoy. My copy of "Children of Dune" and "Real World: Las Vegas" finally came in today after weeks of waiting. Can't wait to get home, pop it and and just vegatate in front of the TV tonight. I'll submit something in tomorrow for the criteria.

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