Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Gym Workout Routine

I’ve decided to document my current workout routine that I have been using for the past 2 weeks at the gym. This routine was one that I came up by myself since I had not had a chance to talk to my PT about it yet. I designed this routine based on the understanding that I should really focus on one muscle group at a time to effectively train them. Other than the stretching and cardio workouts that have time and distance targets, the numbers next to the routine in the list represent the number of target reps to be completed. I usually break then into sets of 10 reps with as little rest time in between sets that I can handle.

My current workout routine starts with stretching, cardio and abs before going to the focus muscle group of the day with the exception of Sunday when I go through a whole body workout. I would normally set the weight stack at a level that I could comfortably handle to complete the number of target reps with some effort. Too much weight and I might over strain something but too little weight would not make the workout worthwhile. The usual indicator that I use to gauge that I have the right weight setting is that I break into a sweat by the time I’ve gone through half of the number of my reps. After going through the focus muscle workouts, I usually go through another round of abs work before ending with stretching to work out all the kinks from the workout session.

All of my current workout routine are done on weight stack machines that they have at my gym. I feel more comfortable and safe using them rather than the free weights that they also have on the same floor. For one. I don’t need a spotter to help me on the weight stacks unlike working with free weights. I don’t really know anyone yet at the gym to ask to be my spotter if I wanted to work with free weights. Furthermore, looking at the crowd who uses the free weight area, I get a little be put off by them. To be frank, the people who use the free weight area at my gym can be put into either one of 2 groups. They are either poseurs who lift weights for 2 or 3 reps then spend more time posing at the weight machines or huge middle age men with muscles that looked like they would burst out of their skins if they sneezed too hard. I hope that I would never fall into either category.

Current workout routine

Stretching – 5 minutes
- focused on back, hamstrings, hips, inner groin and shoulders to increase flexibility.

Cardio – 30 minutes
- Stationary bikes – try to complete 8 km under 20 minutes
- Rowing machine – try to complete 2 km under 10 minutes

Abs (M/W/Th/F/Sun)
- Upper abs crunches – 50
- Right external oblique twist – 50
- Left external oblique twist – 50
- Lower abs crunches – 50

Monday (Focus: Arms and Shoulders)
- Seated dips (triceps) – 30
- Bicep curls – 30
- Shoulder press - 30

Wednesday (Focus: Chest and Back)
- Chest press – 30
- Seated rows – 30
- Lateral pull down – 30

Thursday (Focus: Lower Body)
- Leg extension – 30
- Leg press – 30
- Leg curl – 30

Friday (Focus: Upper Body)
- Chest press – 30
- Bicep curls – 30
- Seated dips (triceps) – 30
- Seated rows – 30

Sunday (Focus: Full Body)
- Seated dips (triceps) – 30
- Bicep curls – 30
- Shoulder press - 30
- Chest press – 30
- Seated rows – 30
- Lateral pull down – 30
- Leg extension – 30
- Leg press – 30
- Leg curl – 30

Abs (M/W/Th/F/Sun)
- Upper abs crunches – 50
- Right external oblique twist – 50
- Left external oblique twist – 50
- Lower abs crunches – 50

Stretching – 5 minutes
- focused on back, hamstrings, hips, inner groin and shoulders for cool down.

For the fasting month that starts for me tomorrow, I’m thinking of keeping to this workout routine initially to see if I can handle it. Obviously I might have to modify the routine that I use on Sundays since it’s planned for a 4 hours workout session rather than the 2 hours as with the other days. My first fasting month workout is currently scheduled for this coming Thursday so I will know by then if the number of reps will be manageable then.

This will be my personal challenge for the month.


Master Chief said...

Good,keep the good work.
Do you know any gym in Seremban, specifically in Seremban 2.

I will be stationed here in Seremban, so far, no Fitness First or any of those gyms here. A simple hard core will do.

Nickxandar said...

Spock ...

Since you posted your comment in a section long pass then I guess I should post the reply here as well just in case you came back looking for a response to your comment.

I don't know of any gyms in Seremban and definitely don't think that the gym franchise that you find in KL will be there either. Having said that, I'm fairly sure that there are local alternatives that you could look out for.

Sometimes the dinky gyms you see set up in shophouses are not so bad. The way you use the equipment provided is actually more important that the type of equipment available. It boils down to how determined you are to work out.

Good luck in your search for a workout place in Seremban 2.